Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Top 50 U.S. Website Properties

Ever wonder what some of the most popular websites on the Internet are? Take a few guesses as to the top twenty. It's not hard to guess Yahoo and Google as the top two, but would you have ever thought that Ask.com would be number 10, or Craig's List at number 25? How about Gorilla nation at 23, has anyone ever heard of that web property? If you'd like to read an article and see a top-50 chart on the most popular web properties for January 2008, check out the ClickZ article. I should mention these are web properties and not necessarily websites. For example, Fox Media is ranked number 5 on this list and that is because they own MySpace.com, etc.


Anonymous said...

Interesting stuff Mike. Keep it up.

Bob Franks

Unknown said...

Mike This article provokes some new thought on how I will be promoting my Sales Coaching website you are an excellent resource.


Thank you


Mike Shubic - Your Marketing Coach said...

Hey Paul,

Glad to be of service. Best of luck with your new company.
