Saturday, May 12, 2007

What's in a Logo?

A logo is the most succinct vehicle used to communicate a company’s messages. It embodies specific qualities that connect and linger in the prospects mind. A logo must be thoughtfully conceived, expertly crafted, have supportive typography and permeate a color sense that resonates with the intended audience.

Good Marketing Reads...

I’ve been a marketer for over seventeen years now, and even with all that experience, I don’t even pretend to think I know it all. So, I make it a habit to read books on the subject every so often. Here are some books I recommend...

"Positioning" - Al Ries and Jack Trout
"Good to Great" - Jim Collins
"The Purple Cow" Seth Godin
"Guerilla Marketing" - Conrad Levinson
"Six Thinking Hats" - Edward de Bono
"Five Dysfunctions of a Team" - Patrick Lencioni